Step 1
Create a caloric deficit. It is crucial that you expend more calories than you consume to see a weight loss. You must burn 3,500 calories to lose 1 pound of fat. Creating a caloric deficit by burning calories with exercise and reducing your caloric intake each day to help you lose arm fat.
Step 2
Burn calories with aerobic exercise to melt fat. You can not shrink just one area of your body, instead you can melt fat from your entire body including your arms. Choose to train aerobically for 30 minutes each day of the week at a moderate intensity. Incorporate activities such as running, kickboxing or swimming, which focus on the movement of your upper body to trim your arms.
Step 3
Practice yoga to develop your arm muscles. Yoga targets your entire body, including your biceps, triceps and shoulders, using your own body weight for resistance. The "Yoga Journal" recommends poses such as plank pose or downward dog to tighten your arms. Complete plank pose by holding the top of a push up. Keep your hands, elbows and shoulder in one line and draw your belly in tight. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to one minute.
Step 4
Build strength with dumbbells. Focus on the different muscles in your arms such as your triceps, biceps and shoulders. Perform two to three exercises for each muscle group and complete three sets of 12 repetitions per exercise. For example, complete tricep dips, overhead extensions and tricep pull-downs for the back of your arms. Complete bicep curls and hammer curls for your biceps and overhead presses and front raises for your shoulders.
Step 5
Reduce your consumption of empty calories. Processed foods, alcohol, soda and fast foods all are empty calories because they do not fuel your body with nutrients you need. Instead, they promote weight gain. Limit these foods to reduce your fat and choose to eat whole grains, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts and low-fat dairy products.
Things You'll Need
- Dumbbells
- Yoga mat
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